Monday, July 23, 2012

House-Friendly HEALTHY Cleaning Products, and more!

.I just re-read my profile that I created over a year ago, and realized things had dramatically changed for our family and my children. I had initially stated I had a son who was allergic to just about everything and also sensitive to wheat, gluten and most household products, regardless of how green they claimed to be. What I found were most of the things I was spending so much money on, were nothing more than glorified water that over-promised and certainly under- delivered. Most of what I was using in the name of better, safer and healthier were still harmful ingredients, carefully disguised as something other than what they truly were, and in most cases; formaldehyde, dyes, fillers, parabens, waxes, ammonias, carcinogens and even novacaine! I stumbled upon a brand of products like no other, and would love nothing more than to share with your family if you are interested in looking into them, just leave me a comment or message and I'll happily pass the info along! It's an amazing feeling to not give my sons any asthma or allergy meds any more, and the stories of families getting off their statens and ADD meds is heartwarming. Life is all about helping others and as a mom I love the feeling that comes with knowing I can help another mom make her home a safer place.

Everybody have a great day!

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